Happy Monday! Last week, a Texas School District lost $2.3 million to a phishing attack. The incident involved three transactions sent over the course of one month. The school district did not realize until after the third transaction that the bank account information had been tampered with, and the account on the receiving end was fraudulent. The FBI, local police, and the school district are still investigating the incident. As of right now, one of the detectives working on the case believes that the “fraudsters” tricked a school district employee into changing the payment instructions for a vendor or supplier.
In other news, a group of senators introduced legislation last week that would “establish a federally funded program to put in place cybersecurity leaders nationwide.” The Cybersecurity State Coordinator Act would require each state to enlist a cybersecurity coordinator, who would “prepare for, prevent, and respond to cyber attacks.”
Finally, the FBI has pledged to rework their policies for sharing information about election breaches. This comes after the 2016 election and Russia’s hacking efforts, when the FBI did not disclose any information about the situation and left many in the dark. With the new policies, the FBI says it will alert local officials who run elections and state officials who certify the elections, but not the public or the state’s members of congress.
That’s all for today! Thank you for tuning in to this week’s segment of “Mondays With Miranda!” Keep up to date with current news by following NeQter Labs on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. We love comments and questions, so drop me an email [email protected].